After a frantic, unsatisying day of spinning my wheels, I saw that I would just have to wait until it calmed down a bit, which required letting go of any ideas of what I should be doing..
By the next day, it had calmed down and it became obvious what to do.... duh.
Some surfers paddle around all over the place, frantically chasing waves, hoping they will be in the right spot at the right time.. often chasing something that isn't even there.. .. Others sit patiently and wait in one spot, knowing a wave will come to them.. Both are fine, and I do both.. but from experience, I am learning that the calm, patient, focused approach pays off in the end. For me anyway..Yet another life lesson from surfing..
"Patience" 8x10 oil
1 comment:
I love your title! And the image is so radiant. The soft yellows make the moment appear calm and elegant. The luminous, glassy water must be just the effect you have been trying to achieve. Dare I say "perfect"? Brava!
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